Tuesday 13 April 2010

Boris Johnson's Deputy is John Barrowman? WTF!

Here is an interesting photo of the Traffic Light Rave Party to lighten up the mood on this lonesome day, Ryan looking nuts, Sam in his chequered shirt, Me... well, yes me, Nath who seems to have the same problem with his belt as I do, Rob who is attempting to hide behind a kid, and then yer, the two kids, kid A and kid B. Ok, so now everyones happy lets start off todays blog. Well first of all Alex is back I think he wants everyone to know that, so visit his blog here where he talks about political shit etc. http://www.atothebailey.blogspot.com//

Me and my bro had fun fucking up Boris Johnson's Wikipedia page as you can tell to the left, but sadly we recieved a message after it was changed back saying that if we edited a page to something inapproproate again then we would get banned... Well, that really fucking wrecked the game but I didn't care... anyway, I've had a fun first week of my Easter, shit its gone slow, how has everyone else's gone?

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