Thursday 3 February 2011


Today a friend (Rob) said to me "I bet you're a pussy driver, not a good driver like I will be, crashing and killin myself'", 4 words, what a fucking moron. Last time I looked to define "crashing into walls and killing myself" wasn't good driver, i believe the term is "twat". There is a huge difference between a pussy driver and a sensible, driver. My driving instructor clearly mentioned that i was a good and confident driver who was accurate with steering and clutch control, now who am I going to listen to, a 17-year old kid who doesnt know shit about driving or an instructor who does driving for a living.... hmmm let me think. Rob claimed that his inspiration for driving was someone who has recently crashed there car into the back of someone else's, this is one reason i will never let rob drive my car, he's just not driving material, Sam is a confident driver and someone that at times I can trust, at least he can get me from A to B, Rob on the other hand is someone I dont trust after what I heard today. oh and rob, this "pussy" driver was speeding past a police car and illegally driving around housing and industrial estates, ooooohhh, that souns very pussy doesnt it... fucking hell. Oh and to refer to the title, one reason i put it, I have had 4 lessons and only stalled 3 times, once on first one and twice on seconds, i believe sam told me that rob stalled more than that within a 2 minute period in his car.... now look whos the pussy, you're too unconfident to correctly use the clutch, so until you can prove that you're a better, talented driver I think we know who is correctly the pussy driver and i'm sure seeing alex is startin tomorrow he will agree with this and probably sam will too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. what you're saying is i'm a hypocrite and a pussy because i don't know how to drive, yet what i was trying to say is when i can i know i'm not going to be a sensible driver and will more than likely crash my car in the first week i own it ,and thats how to drive. i have often said i'm not as good a driver as anyone, i suck, today alex stalled 5 times in an hour, when i drove i acomplished that in a minute. i did actually say i would be 'pussy' driving with people in my car because i wouldn't drive like an genius (idiot) if it ment endangering anybody but my own life. i wasn't offening your driveing ,like i said i don't compare (i bet i won't be at your level after 4 lessons), by calling it pussy driving, if you actually think about what i'm saying i'm saying that your senical manor will be safe, where i'm either gonna kill me or several pedestrians. also can i point out that trying to bash someone by calling them a hypocrit is hypocritical
